The AZTEC Chronicles
If the Perfect Person Were a Newspaper

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Endangered White Rhino was Born
By Charley Peralta

The endangered white rhinoceros gave birth at Disney’s ANimal Kingdom theme park.Kendi was the first rhino born at the park which was in 1999. She was pregnant for 16 months before she gave birth to a male calf.
This baby, who still does not have a name, is the 11th white rhino born at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando according to Walt Disney.
The rhino’s weight was 150 pounds when he was born. Both the mom and calf are doing good under their human keepers, said Disney.
In the next few weeks The newborn rhino will be introduced to his group of rhinos. This was the 11th white rhino born at this sanctuary and two more are expected to be on the way said Disney. The animal care team is taking good care of the other two moms expecting to give birth next year sometime.
Environmental Changes
By Starr Perkins
Environmental changes are affecting us more than we are letting on. For example wildfires, they are happening everywhere and California and it is only getting worse. “What are we doing here? When the air is red and the street lights are on at noon, we ask this question. When there are twenty-three major fires burning at once throughout California , and seventeen thousand firefighters battling them, we ask this question. When a firefighter dies in a blaze begun during a gender reveal party…” State in the article titled “All That Could Burn” This clearly tells us that we are the cause of these wildfire because we throw social gatherings with things that are flammable and we know that but refuse to ignore the precautions so why people have a gender reveal party there are firefighters all around California trying to stop something that we caused. There are some things that we just shouldn’t do because we don't know what affects and can cause the environment, some can be bad and some could be good but in this case things are not okay. Cause and Effect, a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others. Wait! I’m stopping right there because that's all the information we need. We cause things by making poor decisions and with that leads to blogger actions that result in huge damage. Rumors spread like wildfire they hold a strong ground and burn almost everything around you until firefighters put the flame out. “On August 16th, an electrical storm hit California. In twenty-two hours, the state was struck by lightning eleven thousand times. The storm brought no rain but sparked hundreds of fires.” That is another example of cause and effect to the environment, electricity malfunctions can spark fires at anywhere and anytime that is why it is important to be cautious of your surroundings because you never know what could happen. “When smoke overtook the region, a decision was made to harvest many grapes early, given the possibility of smoke taint.” This right here affects the environment in so many ways but it really endangers our produce and lowers our food supply. When food or something that is edible becomes tainted then it is no longer good to eat and considering that wildfires are indeed a part of nature and climate we could be in big trouble. Wars affect the environment in many ways, “Those who attack America’s exceptional are not interested tional environmental record while ignoring China’s rampant pollution and are not interested in the environment. They only want to punish America , and I will not stand for it.” Stated in the article “When the U.S. and China Fight, It Is the Environment That Suffers” Trump criticism is not self-serving and not entirely wrong. There is a possibility that if we potentially go into war it could be really bad for the environment and a complete change in climate. “As China moves to become more self sufficient economically, Washington’s leverage over the country’s development and environmental standards are most likely to decline.” Meaning Wahsington environmental standards will decrease and will not be as strong as China which is a win for China but a loss for Washington. “Yet Washington’s attempt to decouple the U.S. and Chinese economies will only make matters worse.” Interfering with other countries' economic plans can really be bad on your part considering your economic situation isn’t that good but they could become conflict between Washington and China. “Despite China’s growing commitment to environmental protection and huge investments in renewable energy- more than 45 percent of the world’s total in 2017.” According to the Global Commission on Geopolitics of Energy. Our environment is suffering because of the decisions that we and our countries make against the people who we should be coming together with in order to make the world a better place. All of us need to come together and fight for what really matters which is our economy and safety. “Climate change is happening. It’s just not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious environmental problem.” Says So it seems like we have to worry more about the climate then the environment itself. 2020 just keeps getting better and better each day.
What’s next? Oh look! There's more, "Main Senate race." People are running for a race to improve the environment. That should be promising.
The Loss of Corals in the Great Barrier Reef
by,Autumn Huerta
The Great Barrier Reef has one of the largest coral reef systems in the world, and its corals are disappearing. Researchers and scientists are doing everything they can to help the corals. Researchers from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, in Queensland, northeastern Australia have been checking on corals in the Great Barrier Reef since 1995 and 2017,and on Tuesday October 13th 2020 they found a decrease in the coral. The Great Barrier reef has lost over half of its corals due to climate change.
Studies have shown that the colony sizes were smaller and there were fewer adults, especially fewer babies. Dr. Andy Dietzel, the lead author of the study, said “Our results show the ability of the Great Barrier Reef to recover — its resilience — is compromised compared to the past, because there are fewer babies, and fewer large breeding adults.”Dr. Dietzel and other researchers from the ARC Center of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies in Queensland, Australia, measured changes in colony sizes to understand how corals breed.They found out that in the southern part of the reef they were open to climate temperatures that were not good for them in early 2020, according to the researchers, who cited climate change as one of the major drivers of disturbances to the reef.
With the Great Barrier reef covering over 133,000 square miles and home to more than 1,500 species of fish, 411 species of hard corals and dozens of other species,this climate change can impact lots of communities of life. Researchers and scientists are working hard to help these corals. Professor Burkepile said that we shouldn’t give up saving the corals. “The situation is dire,” Professor Burkepile said.“People should not feel hopeless about the future of coral reefs, he said, even as they wait for world leaders to take more aggressive steps to curb the effects of climate change,” continued Professor Burkepile.
Travel:Carlsbad Caverns
Carlsbad Caverns is located in Carlsbad New Mexico. It is a National Park and features more than 100 caves in the area. You don’t need a reservation to be able to walk through the caves, but if you do want a guided tour you have to call in ahead of time. Adults 16 and up have to pay an entrance fee of $15 per person and kids 15 and under are free. Additional fees may be included if you choose to do a guided tour. The park entrance is on US Highway 62/180, and is approximately 18 miles away from the city of Carlsbad. If you prefer flying, the nearest airport is Cavern City Air Terminal, which is 6 miles away from Carlsbad. Costs for flights vary, depending on where you are coming from. The cheapest flights start at $79 and can be as high as $1,000.
There are 2 main ways to enter the cavern, the Big Room or the Natural Entrance. The Big Room has an elevator and descends 754 feet down, and has a short walk to get to the Big Room. It is 3,600 feet long and 600 feet wide, where the largest formations are found. The cave itself is dark, and the path is lit with electric light to give a more astounding view. The lights are all white to give a more natural glow to the rocks. Inside the cave is the Bottomless Pit, which is 120 feet deep and no one is allowed down there. The other entrance is the Natural Entrance. This is a long path that zigzags down into the darkness of the caves. This entrance is where Mexican free-tail bats live, and you can watch up to 300,000 bats emerge from the caves at sunset. Some of the stagmalites in the narrow tunnels are Devil’s Spring and Boneyard. This entrance also leads to the Big Room, after walking down the paths, where you can take the elevator back up to the surface.
If you want to take a break and go to a hotel, there are plenty in the surrounding areas in Carlsbad. Most of the hotels are around 17- 18 miles away from the National Park, and depending on the hotel the prices range from $42 per night up to $180 per night.
by,Autumn Huerta
Have you ever wanted to visit a place that you can get away from your everyday chores and just relax and go to a place that is so peaceful? Well, Japan is your place! Japan is said to be one of the most peaceful and beautiful places in the world. Japan is located off the east coast of Asia. It consists of a great string of islands in a northeast-southwest arc that stretches for approximately 1,500 miles (2,400 km) through the western North Pacific Ocean. The most popular tourist activities to do in Japan are taking a peaceful hike to Mount Fuji, walking through the Shinto shrines, visting the kinkaku-ji temple that is sure to have a beautiful lake by it.
After all these fun and peaceful experiences you can go to some amazing restaurants for food. There are so many places you can go to eat delicious food in Japan! Their main food that they have here in Japan is ramen,sushi, soba, onigiri, yakitori, udon, and so much more! If you want to find some good locations for these delicious foods some of the most popular restaurants are Tsuta Ramen in Sugama Tokyo for their famous ramen noodles. For good sushi go to the Sushi Fukuju restaurant and for good onigiri, yakitori and udon go to the Kitcho restaurant.
When you have had a wonderful day you can relax even more from night life in Japan that is really pretty. They have tons of fireworks at night, their most famous firework festival is Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival that happens the last saturday of July. When you come here you will see all kinds of fireworks that will be sure to blow you away!
When you are all tired from your day you can come to Noboribetsu, Hokkaido to visit a hot spring if you want to get warm and cozy. Here in Japan you can also enjoy the beautiful scenery all around you and the nice weather. The scenery in Japan has beautiful cherry blossom trees and lush green grass and big beautiful mountains.In Japan it is usually raining and it is really calming and it can take your worries away. Each of these famous places and activities have their own unique aura that is so peaceful about them and that makes them so special, so make sure you take a visit to Japan.
Tame Impala
Tame Impala: The Slow Rush
Annalicia Urtiaga
Tame Impala is an artist who began in 2007 in Perth, Australia. The real name of the Australian multi-instrumentalist is Kevin Parker. Parker is extremely talented, as he writes, plays, records, and now produces everything himself. His music is full of many instruments, but is mostly known for specifically loud guitar and trippy/psychedelic sounds. It could be best described as alternative/indie rock.
Tame Impala began making psych-rock music for “outsiders”, but in the 2010’s has shifted slightly towards electro-pop. This making his music more mainstream, and expanding his fanbase substantially in the last few years. During this time, albums such as 2012’s Lonerism and 2015’s Currents were dropped and did fairly well. These albums easily stand their ground, but their is obvious progression in sound when listened to sequentially. His song Let it Happen was a song in particular that really helped him expand to a new audience, the song charted at number 28 on Billboard's Adult Alternative Songs chart.
This year, Tame Impala released his fourth album, The Slow Rush. This album features more slow, psychedelic sounds. Parker’s sounds and lyrics are not made to be “clever” and “catchy”, but is more of a reflection of the battles he fights with himself. Between staying above or going under the darkest thoughts. This album resonates with that as well, and every sound comes from Parker alone, playing every riff and strong melody. Overall, it is an extremely impressive album with psychedelic sounds that can just take you away.
Travel: Paris
When most people are asked where they want to visit, one of the places they think of is Paris, London. When you think Paris you think French, love, the Eiffel Tower, and baguettes. Paris is a beautiful city with much to offer and definitely worth the trip. It is the capital of France, and is 40.7 square miles and has a population of 2 million. The average price of a 7-day trip is about $1,450 for one person, $2,600 for two people and so on. This includes the flight, which is about $620- $1,000, and hotels, depending on where you decide to go, ranges from $68- $400, and rentals, which can vary from $200- $500 per night.
One of the main attractions there is the Eiffel Tower. Tickets however, cost around $1,000 up to $3,000 in U.S currency, which is 16,60€- 25,90€. And of course, if you want to take a break, head over to the second floor to Le Jules Verne, a very unique and bold restaurant. The restaurant serves business breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even has a wine cellar. Lunch and dinner can be quite expensive, with prices up to $272 per person. Many would say it is worth the price.
Want to stop at a hotel? Head over to 5-star Hôtel de Crillon. It costs about $1,000 for 3 nights for one person, but it has an indoor pool and a spa. Things to do while staying at this hotel is go to Louvre Museum, which is 7 minutes away. It houses a huge art collection, such as Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. 10 minutes away from the hotel is Musée d’Orsay, a major 19th- and 20th-century European art collection. There are many more places to go, such as museums, opera houses and so much. Want to try new foods? Paris has an abundance of foods to pick from, such as croissants, escargots, macarons, Jambon- beurre, and of course, cheese. Paris itself is very unique so be sure to pay a visit.