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Slice of Life

Slice of Life

By Kylei Zamora

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What have I been up to since quarantine? Well, not much more than all of you. I’ve been working out and practicing volleyball as much as I can. It’s sometimes hard to practice with yourself considering the wall can’t hit back at you. During quarantine I’ve learned that there are so many different ways to practice something or make something great just by using stuff you have around the house. Also I just started my junior year of high school and school has been a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. There is sometimes a lot of work but nothing we ALL can’t handle. I now have had my licence for a couple months and it’s so much easier to go to appointments and it really helps out my parents. Hopefully when all of this is over I can get back to volleyball and go to all of our out of town tournaments like Vegas, Arizona, and Anaheim. Soon I hope to not be hitting at a wall and actually getting to dive and be in a gym that is much safer than dirt and rocks outside. Covid isn’t the end of the world but sure feels like it at times. If all goes well, let’s hope to see each other out one day when all of this is over!


Slice of Life/social standards/learning 







Slice of Life

Slice Of Life

By Starr Perkins



























I am currently seventeen and I am enjoying my life so far. I am now old enough to apply for jobs and to do things that I have never done before which is cool but can get challenging because trying new things is never easy. For example I tried doing basketball and almost had an asthma attack so that was off my bucket list, then I tried to try out for other sports but my asthma got in the way of that so eventually I gave up. Currently I am pursuing my writing career and acting career, I have become really interested in writing stories mostly because I like to express my thoughts and feelings on paper because we all know keeping them hidden inside is never good so you have to vent someway. Once you get to know me you´ll start to find the fun side of me instead of the uptight side, which is how I am most of the time but only if the situation is serious or if I am under stress. Which is all the time because that is just my life. My school life is totally different from my private life because I can easily shut down my personal life by not caring but when it comes to school I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the dream pool. I really thought that I would be good at doing things by myself but it seems to me that I would always need my mom by my side. My mom has been my best friend since literally birth and if I didn't have her there would be nothing, I don't think nobody can be the best as she is, after all she taught me how to be someone. All my life she stood by me even at my darkest time and I will always be grateful for that but one day I'll have to go out on my own, have to try something that's just for me. I always thought that friendship was all I'd ever need but sometimes things change and it could mean goodbye. If you were to know me in person, I am a huge fan of hair bows and One Direction. I have been an directioner for a while now and I couldn't be happier. I love the boys and their music just speaks to me in ways that I can't fully put into words but let's just say that their music makes me very happy. Now as for the bows I can't really tell you how all that started but what I can say is that it makes me feel normal. I own seventy bows which I have hanged on my blinds in my colorful bedroom which I adore. I think that some people were born with greatness and some people had greatness thrust upon them which I find extraordinary, I know I have greatness and potential in me I just have to unlock it. When I grow up, which I don't want to, I want to go out into the world and make a name for myself, instead of being known as the tall, chubby, girl who loves to wear bows and likes a boy band who broke up four years ago. I want to be somebody instead of a nobody, but I came to realize that at the end of the day you are who you are. Harry Styles once said, ¨If you're happy doing what you're doing then nobody can tell you're not successful.¨ I might just take you up on that Harry.



Slice of Life/social standards/learning 




Slice Of Life

Slice of Life

By Isabella Rodriguez




























I have just turned sixteen-year- old, now with that comes a major milestone in every teenager's life. For instance we are now old enough to start driving, so stay off the roads everyone. But the other milestone is, we are now old enough to start working. Some of my friends have already started working at fast food restaurants, walmart, or even clothing stores. To be completely honest, I don't want to start working. Yes it may seem like fun to know that you are making your own money but I don't want to be old enough to be able to have a job. To me that shows that I am growing up and I just turned 16, I am still the girl who dreams of marrying Nick Jonas and pretends to be a mermaid when swimming. But I know that getting a job would probably be the right thing to do because I love going on shopping sprees. One place that is close to me I can work at is In and Out Burger. Employees make around 160,000 a year which is a good starter job for me and anyone else who is considering getting their first job. Even though In and Out would be a good first job, I kind of want to work at a place that would help me with what I want to be when I am older. A cosmetologist, someone who provides personal care services that include caring for people's hair, skin, and nails. Specifically I want to work at a professional level and be a hairdresser for tv shows, movies, and the disneyland productions. So there really aren't any jobs that will help with that because I can't work at a hair salon because I don't have a degree. So if I really want to get a job right now I would have to choose something that will just get me some money to help with my shopping addiction. So I am sitting here turning in my job application to In and Out Burger.


Slice of Life







Slice Of Life

Slice of Life

By isabella Rodriguez




























Well, welcome back to school ladies and gentleman, quarantine edition! It most certainly has been a rough summer, and I don't know about you guys but I am ready to get back into my school grind and get good grades. How was your summer? Considering there is a worldwide pandemic going on, I'm sure you guys didn’t do much because everything is closed. Let's start back to March 13, 2020 the last day of school. Of course none of us knew that was going to be the last day of the 2019-2020 school year and unlike my fellow classmates I was sad to see my sophore disappear. Although my class didn't have it as hard as the other grades, especially seniors, highschool is something you want to look back on and say “ I lived my life to the fullest during those times”. Since the school year was cancelled that means I have been sitting at home for approximately 191 days and I didn’t live my life to the fullest sitting at home watching Glee all day long while eating pizza rolls. Can you believe quarantine has been that long, already ? I sure can't believe it. It feels like yesterday I was in class doing my work, messing around with my friends, picturing in my head what it'd look like if I started a food fight in the cafeteria during lunch time. While now all the students in the world are getting used to the whole online schooling, including me, this is very hard if I say the least. We all have wifi problems, distractions, no one on one with teachers and no social interactions. Although some teachers may say that now that we are at home we have all the time in the world to do all of our work and get good grades, I beg to differ. My grades are doing just fine but what about the students who rely on being in person with their teachers because they can only learn that way, what about the kids who rely on being at school to get away from it for at least 7 hours to get some social interactions so they don't feel so alone. We, the students are going through a rough patch right now; but it will get better.



Slice of Life











Slice of Life

By: Valeria Nunez

















With being this close to the end of the year I feel that my life has been crazier and busier than ever. Graduation is coming in close and also my last year of high school sports is also coming to an end. In my life right now I work, I am maintaining my 4.2 GPA in school, and also the captain of the varsity soccer team. It is nothing that I cannot handle. I just never pictured my senior year like this. Like I said my life has never been crazier or busier because coming this close to the end of the year, college is coming closer, which means I will either be doing it online or living in the dorms. With that being said you are looking at a CSUSB freshman! Yes I am a fully committed Coyote, it is crazy but I am going to college. 

 With how much of a full plate I have today I slowly start to realize I am going to miss the rush I have of it. It may seem crazy but I love having a busy life because it keeps me maintained and being able  to stay on top of everything, especially with my grades for school. I cannot wait to graduate and close this chapter in my life but I can also say I am also nervous for the next chapter of my life.










Social Media Hours Cut 

Short for Teens

By: Valeria Nunez




















When it comes to teenagers, pretty much they have social media and more than just one platform. Teenagers see pretty much everything on social media, from their favorite celebrities, their favorite content creators, new challenges and DIYS, trends, and so much more. In my eyes you can look around and every teen also has smartphones, and I also believe that they should be on a time limit from either being on their phones or from social media. Even though there is so much positivity, there can also be many negativities with it. 

We can see the range of online bullying, to rude posts about one another, and just spreading things around to one another. This can not only cause depression but it can also lead to many children to self harm or just hurting others because they are tired of others bringing pain to them. It is crazy how much harm the platforms can cause, even with famous creators or celebrities they also get many hate comments or even death threats. It can honestly change many people's mind on making their dreams come true and being a celebrity just because we have many people negative in the media. With social media being limited to everyone, it let’s kids still have a chance to stay connected to the world not is not through their phones, let them not worry about getting much hate on the media, and also just not relying on their phones all the time. 

When you truly think about it, the less social media the kids reduce a day or spend time on it they do not either compare themselves to others, hate on one other, or even anything else in between. I do believe social media is a very toxic place but it should be a place that people should be able to express themselves and not worry about bullying. Social media needs to be cut from teens and it would also change the mentality of them. 











Facts v Opinions

By Valeria Nunez














When talking about social media there can be many different perspectives for everyone. Whether it being about people’s opinions or to facts about it. Comparing two different articles talking about social media to see how each one explains social media in the publishers eyes. Starting with the first article it comes to explain how many of us can be so caught in the attention of being on social media. When looking at social media that it starts great but slowly turns into this dark place many people start to truly see. Slowly causing sleep deprivation, anxiety, depression, etc. When comparing to the second article that has caught my eye it comes to similarities with the first article I choose. 


The second article does point to the negativity of the social media but also has a chart of the positivity it brings. Looking at it, it's more of a fact type article because it brings a chart about what positive things and negative things it can bring. When comparing side by side, yes they both have the negatives of social media that not many people see in the beginning until they truly start being on it for a year or more. But as we can see from the first article it is more of an opinion of the publisher picking only at the negative side and not having much but backlash towards it. 
















Coming into a conclusion about both sides of the articles, social media will always have a good side and a negative side to it. Nothing in life will be perfect though, everything has its own little bumps on the road. It all matters on how you face it, deal with it, and what you learn from it. When getting older and going out to the world not everyone is going to care about your feelings. Social media first teaches you that, because you meet, follow, or have followers who do not even have an ounce of care about you or your feelings. To everything social media is a place to learn the negativity but has amazing positive things to it, and it is best to take the positive and always let it out weight the negative. 


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@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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