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Slice of Life

Slice Of Life

By Starr Perkins

I am currently seventeen and I am enjoying my life so far. I am now old enough to apply for jobs and to do things that I have never done before which is cool but can get challenging because trying new things is never easy. For example I tried doing basketball and almost had an asthma attack so that was off my bucket list, then I tried to try out for other sports but my asthma got in the way of that so eventually I gave up. Currently I am pursuing my writing career and acting career, I have become really interested in writing stories mostly because I like to express my thoughts and feelings on paper because we all know keeping them hidden inside is never good so you have to vent someway. Once you get to know me you´ll start to find the fun side of me instead of the uptight side, which is how I am most of the time but only if the situation is serious or if I am under stress. Which is all the time because that is just my life. My school life is totally different from my private life because I can easily shut down my personal life by not caring but when it comes to school I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the dream pool. I really thought that I would be good at doing things by myself but it seems to me that I would always need my mom by my side. My mom has been my best friend since literally birth and if I didn't have her there would be nothing, I don't think nobody can be the best as she is, after all she taught me how to be someone. All my life she stood by me even at my darkest time and I will always be grateful for that but one day I'll have to go out on my own, have to try something that's just for me. I always thought that friendship was all I'd ever need but sometimes things change and it could mean goodbye. If you were to know me in person, I am a huge fan of hair bows and One Direction. I have been an directioner for a while now and I couldn't be happier. I love the boys and their music just speaks to me in ways that I can't fully put into words but let's just say that their music makes me very happy. Now as for the bows I can't really tell you how all that started but what I can say is that it makes me feel normal. I own seventy bows which I have hanged on my blinds in my colorful bedroom which I adore. I think that some people were born with greatness and some people had greatness thrust upon them which I find extraordinary, I know I have greatness and potential in me I just have to unlock it. When I grow up, which I don't want to, I want to go out into the world and make a name for myself, instead of being known as the tall, chubby, girl who loves to wear bows and likes a boy band who broke up four years ago. I want to be somebody instead of a nobody, but I came to realize that at the end of the day you are who you are. Harry Styles once said, ¨If you're happy doing what you're doing then nobody can tell you're not successful.¨ I might just take you up on that Harry.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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