Crime-Years of Difference
Over time, some months have had more referrals than the previous year on the same month, not because of the grade level, but because of...
Crime-Senior Attendence
As most everyone knows, in the month of March, Senior Contracts were sent out, meaning you couldn't miss more than five days and if you...
Crime by Semester
This was the amount of referrals for each of the grade with the freshmen topping it all with 52.21% of the referrals in just one semester...
Crime- Referrals by Grade
Over the last two weeks, the Sophomores have passed the Freshmen this time around, by major disruption. The Freshmen have finally proven...
Crime 4/2-4/13
From April 2nd to April 13th, there was a total of 10 referrals, and two out of school suspensions. The top graph shows referrals by...
Referrals by Location
With the school year coming close to its end, the number of referrals in certain locations seem to still be at a set point. With most of...
Suspensions for the Last Semester
In-school suspensions mean that the student was given BMC but not actually suspended, the overall days of the suspensions were not the...
Referrals by Day, Location, and Grade
According to this graph, you can see that students are more likely to get referrals within class than anywhere else on campus. As you can...
Referrals by Days of the Week
Most of the referrals occurred around 1 PM, and the main reason is because of fighting and major defiance. Why is it that they occur most...
Where Do You Get Referrals?
Most of the referrals for students happen in class, we need to focus more on students’ behaviors during class time right after lunch,...