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Slice Of Life

Slice of Life

By Isabella Rodriguez

I have just turned sixteen-year- old, now with that comes a major milestone in every teenager's life. For instance we are now old enough to start driving, so stay off the roads everyone. But the other milestone is, we are now old enough to start working. Some of my friends have already started working at fast food restaurants, walmart, or even clothing stores. To be completely honest, I don't want to start working. Yes it may seem like fun to know that you are making your own money but I don't want to be old enough to be able to have a job. To me that shows that I am growing up and I just turned 16, I am still the girl who dreams of marrying Nick Jonas and pretends to be a mermaid when swimming. But I know that getting a job would probably be the right thing to do because I love going on shopping sprees. One place that is close to me I can work at is In and Out Burger. Employees make around 160,000 a year which is a good starter job for me and anyone else who is considering getting their first job. Even though In and Out would be a good first job, I kind of want to work at a place that would help me with what I want to be when I am older. A cosmetologist, someone who provides personal care services that include caring for people's hair, skin, and nails. Specifically I want to work at a professional level and be a hairdresser for tv shows, movies, and the disneyland productions. So there really aren't any jobs that will help with that because I can't work at a hair salon because I don't have a degree. So if I really want to get a job right now I would have to choose something that will just get me some money to help with my shopping addiction. So I am sitting here turning in my job application to In and Out Burger.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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