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Suspended For Missing School

Be careful the next time you think about missing school, because there may be consequences for it. That consequence may be suspension. Yes, you can actually get suspended from school, for missing a certain amount of school. Is it really a consequence for missing out? Personally I don’t think so, but it has never happened to me. So in all honestly I can’t say whether it is or isn’t. However, I have encountered someone who has experienced it.

A Junior at the High School, was recently suspended for being absent. So is it actually a good consequence? He said no, he doesn’t feel as if it was a good consequence for him. It didn’t do him any good, it only gave him another day off of school. So what did he get out of it? Nothing, it just caused him to be more confused than anything. How is that he got in trouble for missing school, so as a result he gets suspended?

He feels that the repercussion for missing school shouldn’t be to suspend them. It would be better to talk to them about why it’s important to attend school. Maybe they have to write about what why you shouldn’t miss so many days of school. Something else, would be more effective because with what they are doing now, just contradicts what they are trying to stop. It makes no sense to make a student miss school for missing school. It doesn’t teach the students any lesson, it just keeps the student away from their education.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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