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Donald Trump's Day Off

It’s a little known fact that Presidents have a tradition of doing community service on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The tradition started about a year into Bill Clinton’s first term as President. President Clinton declared it a national holiday, and decided what he would do as a holiday tradition. He felt that with how great and sacrificial King was, it was best to spend his day as close to Dr. King as he could. His wife also felt it necessary to join in on the helpfulness.

President and first lady Clinton used the

day to help paint and repair a senior center in Washington, D.C. After that, President George W. Bush and his wife volunteered at schools and attended cultural events celebrating King. Starting in his very first year as supreme leader, President Barack Obama and his family volunteered at a soup kitchen every year on January 15.

Now while we’re on the topic of Presidents doing tasks on what is an official holiday in America for over 20 years, our current president chose a different activity to do on his Martin Luther King Jr. Day. While past Presidents thought that they should go out and either help others, or help a community, President Trump went out and played golf on his own golf course. He went out wearing his best golf outfit, using his best golf gear, and played his golf heart out. While he had a great time on his golf course, President Obama and his family continued their positive legacy of helping those in need, even when it wasn’t necessary. We’ll just have to wait and see if he has the opportunity, and makes the decision to spend next year’s Martin Luther king Jr. Day playing a game, or thinking of others.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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