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Let's Unmask the Night

Last Sunday was the High School’s Winter Ball. At first it seemed as if nobody was going, but that all changed on the last day of ticket sales. The Friday before the night of the dance, main hall was filled with students buying tickets. Suddenly, many more people were going. So was the outcome of the dance good?

Well that all depends who you ask. Some may say it was an incredible time, others won’t agree so much. For the most part I feel as if people enjoyed it. Which is great for the school, because that means more students will attend school dances.

The reason so many people enjoyed the dance was because of who they went with. They went with people who made their time enjoyable. Which is the point of the dances. You’re supposed to go to dances with friends that you can have a good time with.

Those who didn’t like the dance agreed with that statement. Their problem was more with the quality of the dance. Which is a whole different story. The point is that it shouldn’t matter what the quality of the dance was. It mattered on who you decided to spend the night with.

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