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Teacher of the Month

Our first teacher of the month is Mr. Heiden!

Mr. Heiden was chosen for this award because of his time and dedication to his students, school, and community. He teaches the Criminal Justice class here at Barstow High School and he is a retired cop. Though he may not be in the line of duty anymore, he’s still here giving back to his community. In his classroom he, along with his students, collects canned, packaged goods, and jackets to donate during the holidays and winter time. Also, every Christmas he participates in the Christmas Cops & Kids. Volunteers donate and help deliver these toys to families in need during the holidays. So, thank you, Mr. Heiden, for your constant love and support you show the people and community of Barstow, it never goes unnoticed!

Our second is Mrs. Ham!

Mrs. Ham was chosen for this award because of her support and passion for her students. She is a caring teacher who goes above and beyond for her students. She teaches Science here at BHS. Her enthusiasm for teaching is apparent in everything she does. She is a leader and a problem solver. She takes time out of her nights to teach the Adult Ed that takes place here on campus from Monday to Wednesday until 8:30 pm.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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