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School Fights

School fights are the main entertainment for students all over. What is it that draws students to fights? Why do other students decide to applaud school fights? Well this is the response that I received.

From the responses that I got, I got two different answers. Some said they feel that school fights are a waste of time. Others said that it’s very entertaining to them. Most of them agreeing that fights are entertaining. So this question led to other questions.

Why do they feel this way about school fights? Those who feel it’s a waste of time just found fights to be idiotic. They find no amusement in two students going at it during school. “It solves nothing”, a student told me, “It just shows how two people are willing to harm themselves just for the attention of people they won’t talk to in the future.” Others said that it takes away from their academic progress. Especially when the fights happen during passing periods. This causes them to be late to class as people are standing in the way, and trying to stay out of the way.

Those who don’t agree it’s a waste of time, find it to be entertaining. It’s not necessarily a waste of time, but a way to spend your time. They all brought up the same thing. It’s the same thing when you watch at school, and when you watch UFC. Both involve two people fighting each other for the entertainment of others.

So there is no real answer to what was asked. It’s an opinion that we all have and they may all differ. Yes many agree that it’s a waste of time; that two people are putting their body in danger and allowing others to stand by and watch while others compare it to watching professional fighting. At least professionals are getting paid millions of dollars.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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