Seniors of Winter Sports
Winter sports are coming to a close. That means senior soccer players, wrestlers, and basketball players, all have finished playing their last season of that high school sport. It is always a sad day, to let go of so many phenomenal players, in so many different sports. Thank you for representing our school for the past season and being a good influence around the school. On behalf of the school thank you to all of you for great seasons!
Boys Basketball:
Evander Burns
Clayton Crawford
Devin Greene
Jakeem Hicks
Isaiah Phelan
Isaiah Hardie
Girls Basketball:
Easter Galoia
Seible Ili
Inayalena Paopao
Boys Soccer:
Henry Beltran
Joel Cortez
Wilson Lazaro
Angel Monroy
Alejandro Olivares
Alex Reed
Blake Smith
Girls Soccer:
Denise Espinoza
Alyna Garcia
Alyssa Gatti
Rheanna Gregg
Taylor Linebaugh
Anahi Sandoval
Evencia Welsh
Dawson Chinn
Anthony Loera
Ivan O’Neal
Anthony Walton
Elizabeth Wright