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We Will Not Shut Up and Dribble.

Laura Ingraham: for you to tell two men who are not only amazing at what they do, but two men who are good hearted people and simply stated their political opinion to “shut up and dribble” is appalling. You sound like a ‘salty’ high school student who didn’t make the sports team that they tried out for, so ever since then you’ve acted like you hate sports in general. You claim LeBron’s argument was wrong factually and had grammatical issues but you never said what he was wrong about. You never gave a counterargument to any of his arguments. LeBron and Kevin Durant were asked during an interview their political opinion. Who asked you for yours? We understand, Donald Trump is your lord and savior and if anyone says anything remotely negative about him you just lose it, but that does not excuse the disrespect you gave LeBron, and many other athletes. Your only argument was that LeBron didn’t go to college so he doesn’t understand politics, which is both ignorant and insulting to almost everyone that didn’t go to college. He is more than an athlete; his whole life doesn’t stop when he isn’t playing basketball. He’s allowed to talk about things other than basketball. Maybe you need to shut up and focus on weather reports, because you can’t disagree with the weather. You shut down two amazing athletes’ opinions just because it’s different than yours. Tell us: what is it that they said wrong? Did they give any false facts? Because you claim they were wrong but continue to fail at telling us exactly how they were wrong. If you feel that strongly about that topic, instead of stomping on and crushing athletes, why don’t you educate them? You went on and on about how wrong it was but failed to say how or why. You have no idea how much what you said affects athletes around the world. There are so many student athletes who already feel like the only thing they have to offer is sports. They feel dumb and as if they have no value outside of sports, even when that’s the farthest thing from the truth. We as athletes love sports, but our lives don’t revolve around it, We have opinions about politics, we want things like love, we like to go out and have fun like a regular person. We have dreams and passions outside of sports. We are more than athletes, you just seem like you hate anyone who plays a sport simply because they’re doing amazing things. And you? You just got your name heard, and only because of the terrible comments you made. No one knows anything about you besides the fact that you love Trump that you’d do anything to defend him. You saying things like “dumb jock alert”? That’s just rude. It seems like you simply can’t grasp the fact that you can be an athlete and also be strong in something else. There are several NBA plays who have Doctorate degrees, or went to college all four years, but there’s also some who didn’t even go to college and they still offer intelligence. You’re mad because LeBron James was so good at what he does that he didn’t need college? You don’t need a college degree to be smart. I am an athlete and I have a 3.7 GPA Though I usually play sports year round, I offer more to the world than sports. Tell us, what do you offer? Because so far the only thing you offer is hateful comments towards the successful and your support for Trump.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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