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Man of the Year... All-American Man Forever!

I went around asking students to describe Mr. Heiden in one word and here were the most common answers:

  • Kind

  • Inspiring

  • Honest

  • Motivational

  • Amazing

Those are just a few words to describe this incredible man and teacher! The time and dedication he puts into his community is one like I’ve never seen before. I think we could all learn something from his actions when it comes to giving back. He recently won an award for Barstow’s “Man of the Year”, and was featured in the school’s newspaper for “Teacher of the Month.” When asked about how he feels for winning this award. He said it was ¨a very humbling experience.¨ He's been nominated for this award a few times but never actually won until now! Mr. Heiden does what he does for other people. He loves to put a smile on faces and does everything with kindness and compassion.

I interviewed one of his fellow students in his law enforcement class, Alexa Beltran, about him being back and him as a teacher and these were her thoughts:

“How do you feel about Mr. Heiden being back?”

  • I am so happy, I love him so much! I’m so glad to have him back because he’s my energy and he makes me so happy!

“How has he impacted your life as a student and a person?”

  • As a student he pushes us to work harder and is always there for us and is such a very understanding teacher. As a person he’s always reminded me to be kind to others and be respectful while never having hate in your heart.

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