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Student Spotlight- Angelina Umali-Nelkin

About Angelina

Angelina is a very well rounded student who does what it takes to achieve her goals. She does color guard, takes AP classes, and is always willing to take that extra step to be successful. She doesn’t make excuses and knows she has to work hard to get where she wants to be. I believe that she has worked so much that she deserves recognition! That's why I think she deserves to be this weeks student spotlight.

Interview with Angelina

  • How do you feel about being a “student spotlight“ student for the school’s newspaper?

  • “I feel very honored and accomplished!”

  • What are some traits that you have, that you think everyone should have?

  • “I feel that I am very motivated in taking time to work hard, so I think motivation is a trait that I think everyone should have!“

  • What’s one thing that keeps you going each day?

  • “I just want to be successful”

  • What is your daily routine to being successful?

  • “My daily routine is just keeping up with my work and studying. I take school very serious.”

  • What’s one thing you can’t go a day without?

  • “I can’t go without is knowing that all my assignments are complete for the day”

  • Are there times where you feel like giving up? How do you power through it?

  • “I mean yeah of course, but I have goals that I want to accomplish! I can’t just give up!“

  • What is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?

  • “My biggest accomplishment is the fact that I can take Ap classes and high level courses.”

  • What are some things that inspire you?

  • “My mom! She pushes me to do better everyday!“

  • Do you want to be like a famous person? Why?

  • “No, I don’t want to be like a famous person to be honest. I just aspire to be the best that I can be!”

  • What’s one quote you go by everyday?

  • “Keep going, you are going to be fine, and beautiful things will happen in time.”

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