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Opinion in Politics

In this modern world, it seems everything is overly political, and every action made in the government needs to follow the status quo to be “acceptable”. It seems that the whole idea of a democracy is deteriorating, especially in the American Government.

The definition of democracy is “a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.” America, as we all know, is a democracy. That is how our government is run. Within our government, there are representatives from each state that are selected by the people. Unfortunately, not every opinion or person’s belief can be fulfilled.

With this in mind, then there should be many different opinions throughout the nation. This is not just in politics, but in anything. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions. However, no one should feel that an opinion is being pushed on them, because that’s what everyone around them believes.

Some may say that people are swayed by others because they don’t have a strong one. In some situations, that can be true. Due to a lack of opinion, people can be swayed by others, who state their opinion. However, there is more to it then this. There are people who are too shy and timid to openly allow their opinions to be known. Other people just don’t think it's necessary to make their opinions known when it is not needed. Of course, there are many other reasons as well.

The key that this article is trying to emphasize is that, even though everyone has a different point of view, they are all valid and none should be put down. It seems that if someone does not agree with the majority on a single topic, they are looked down on and put down.

In high school, especially, this should not happen. Realistically, what does anyone achieve by putting others opinions down? In this case, the opinions in question are political. No one can vote until they are 18, so what is the point of putting others down over something no one in our position can fix?

The negativity and political disputes in high schools have always been around. However, in recent years, it is clear they have become stronger. Politics can split up friendships, and make people lose respect for one another.

Personally, I don’t understand this. I’d rather have people with different views as my friends who we don’t discuss, then a political belief and nothing else. Some may disagree, but I believe that politics shouldn’t ruin friendships and make people hate one another in high school. That is ridiculous and childish. Everyone has a right to a belief, and others need to remember that that belief doesn’t change them as a person. Even if they don’t think the same thing as one another, doesn’t mean that they are horrible and should separate themselves completely. It simply means they believe in something different, and we, as a society need to respect that.

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