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Student Spotlight- Vanessa Williams

About Vanessa

Meet Vanessa! She is a sophomore at Barstow High School. She is very bright and smart person, who I believe deserves to be the student spotlight. She is one of the kindest people out there! She always helps others with work without complaining. She is always there to help, and is a outgoing, fun, interesting, and all around great human being. She is beautiful, smart, and a great person to hang out with. It may take a little for her to be herself around you, but once she does it’s amazing. She shines through all the darkness and always pushes forward! This is why I chose Vanessa to be the student spotlight of the week!

Interview with Vanessa

  • How do you feel about being a “student spotlight“ student for the school’s newspaper?

  • “I feel very happy to be included in this!”

  • What are some traits that you have, that you think everyone should have?

  • “I think that everyone should be optimistic and determined because it can really help you get through a lot, and even help achieve your goals.“

  • What’s one thing that keeps you going each day?

  • “One thing that keeps me going is that one day I will be able to accomplish the things I want to do in life, because of the hard work I put in!”

  • What is your daily routine to being successful?

  • “My daily routine to being successful is getting up early and getting to all of my classes on time. As well as trying my best to get everything done and understand all the topics.”

  • What’s one thing you can’t go a day without?

  • “One thing I can’t go without is music. It keeps me from getting distracted and motivates me throughout the day!”

  • Are there times where you feel like giving up? How do you power through it?

  • “Yes, there are times when I want to give up, but I always think twice on if giving up is the right choice. I tell myself if I give up now then i’ll regret it in the long run, so that’s what keeps me going.“

  • What is your favorite subject in school?

  • “My favorite subject in school is chemistry! I have always been interested in science and I look forward to going into that class and learning new things!”

  • What are some things that inspire you?

  • “One thing that inspires me is the success of others! It reminds me that everyone has had their ups and downs, but if you really want to do something you’ll find a way to do it!“

  • Do you want to be like a famous person? Why?

  • “No, I would not like to be like any famous person! Fame changes you and the people around you.”

  • What’s one quote you go by everyday?

  • “You can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.”

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