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To Walk or Not To Walk

For this is the true question, would and did you walk? A Junior high school student, Jonathan Swisher, who had participated in our National walkout on March fourteenth, agreed to sit down and talk about his and others’ experiences.

In regards to his reasoning behind participating, he said “My grandma is a very forward thinker, and always tells me to stand for what I believe in. She supported it fully.”

Johnny went on to say that once he got out there, at first it was it felt more or less like ‘What do we do now’, but then he and the others started chanting the words ‘Safer schools’.

Although he wasn’t sure that it would make a large difference just because he and some Barstow kids did it, he does feel that it showed that our generation isn’t only what others tend to think of us, we stand for what we believe in and do what we feel is right.

Unbeknownst to some, there is another walkout scheduled for the twentieth of April. Jonathan said in regards to participating, “Yes, as long as I, as well as others participate and show our dedication, they will realize that something does need to change sooner rather than later.” Words of wisdom.

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