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Student Spotlight- Aushanai Mathis

About Aushanai

Meet Aushanai. She’s a junior who has the goal to attend college and become someone who either changes the lives of others or makes a difference in the world. She has been in Avid since the 8th grade. She has also had high honor roll in all of her years in school. She has a great personality and loves to make people laugh. She is a very enjoyable person to be around and I believe that her hard work and positivity has earned her spot as student spotlight!

Interview with Aushanai

  • How do you feel about being a “student spotlight“ student for the school’s newspaper?

  • “To be the student spotlight, the recognition is flattering and makes me feel like others can see the goals I've accomplished.”

  • What are some traits that you have, that you think everyone should have?

  • “I wish more people had the trait of optimism, because others should have a positive attitude towards the future and bring light to others.“

  • What’s one thing that keeps you going each day?

  • “I think laughter keeps me moving everyday, because I love to laugh and make others laugh!”

  • What is your daily routine to being successful?

  • “My daily routine to being successful is waking up early, so I have time to take a shower, get my priorities straight, stay focused throughout the day, eat, homework, shower and repeat!”

  • What’s one thing you can’t go a day without?

  • “I absolutely cannot go one day without listening to music, especially my favorite songs!”

  • Are there times where you feel like giving up? How do you power through it?

  • “Sometimes school can get a bit overwhelming, but I contempt myself by reminding myself what i’m working for then I straighten my crown!“

  • What is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?

  • “So far, my biggest accomplishment in life is honestly staying sane, because when there's due dates, deadlines, collage talk, grades, and social life all comes at you at once it become hard trying not to go insane.”

  • What's one thing that inspires you?

  • “One thing that inspires me is perseverance. Watching someone who struggles and constantly gets hit by life's lemons, but decides they’re going to pick themselves back up and keep moving forward is one of the most inspiring things I see!“

  • Do you want to be like a famous person? Why?

  • “A famous person that inspires me is the fictional character, Jessica Pearson, from suits. She’s always 100 steps in front of everyone and inspires loyalty.”

  • What’s one quote you go by everyday?

  • “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!”

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