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Back From Break

Spring Break is over! For some, this is the last spring break you will have. As for others, it’s the coming to an end of the year as we hope to finish strong, and enjoy the summer until we come back to take on the new year. For Juniors (Seniors next year) we have things like Senior Pictures coming up, sophomores (Juniors next year) are getting ready to sign up for Junior AP classes or college level courses. To all the Freshman, (sophomores next year) congratulations. You survived your first year of high school. Yes, it gets worse! Only joking, things do get tougher and you’re expected to handle more, but you’ll get the hang of it. For you Seniors, prom is coming up, but more importantly you are about to enter the next chapter of your lives. Some will go to college, some will start careers, but you all will have made it. Every test you’ve taken, every night staying up getting a project done, the only thing that is going to matter is that you made it. We want to say congratulations to all the Seniors who are graduating. You did it and should be very proud of yourself! You are now walking into the next phase of your life, and for the times you struggle and you want to give up, just remember, you thought that English paper was the worst thing ever at one point, you can and will be successful. As for us Juniors moving up to Seniors, IT’S OUR TURN!

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