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Student Spotlight-Yaneli Hernandez

Yaneli is an amazing person, who I know absolutely deserves to be featured in the Student Spotlight. She is a Junior at the high school and is one of the kindest human beings that I know. She is always there for people, and is constantly putting others first. She is very kind to those who surround her, and is always lending a hand to those in need. In addition to that, she is an incredible student and athlete. She is an all around beautiful human being.

  • How do you feel about being a “student spotlight“ student for the school’s newspaper?

“Well, personally at first thought to myself why me? However as I began to think about it; I realized that it’s a really cool thing that I was one that was chosen to be in the spotlight student.”

  • What are some traits that you have, that you think everyone should have?

“Some traits that I have, that I think others should also have; are to be sociable, trusting, outgoing, helpful, courageous, and friendly, because life would be more enjoyable.”

  • What motivates you to keep going each day?

“There are a couple of people who motivate me to keep going everyday and that would be some family, some friends, my boyfriend, my faith, and myself of course. If it wasn’t for their motivation and my very own, I wouldn’t be where I am now.”

  • What do you think it takes to be successful?

“I think it takes a lot of courage and time management to be successful. Also knowing that it is okay if you have failed. You just have to have the courage to get back up and don’t let your failure get in the way of your success.”

  • What’s one thing you can’t go a day without?

“I can’t really go a day without thinking about food because I really love food and I want it all the time.”

  • When you feel like giving up how do you get through it?

“I remind myself that whatever I am going through now is temporary. it’ll eventually get easier.”

  • What is your favorite subject in school?

“I don’t necessarily have a favorite subject in school, but I would have to say Avid is my favorite class, because it actually is preparing me for the real world, such as college.”

  • What are some things that inspire you?

“I would say my own failure inspires me. It allows me realize my strengths and what I really am capable of doing, and that really inspires me overall.”

  • What’s one quote you live by?

“You didn’t come this far, to only get this far.”

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