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Hot 'n Cold

Spring has sprung! Well, not exactly. Recently we’ve noticed that the weather has been all around. The weather has had it’s highs and lows throughout the week and it’s messing with all of us. It feels as if one day it’s Winter and the next it’s Summer. Throughout the week it was very windy then suddenly on Friday it was very sunny.

For the past few weeks it’s been like this. Hot then cold, cold then hot. It’s gotten annoying to deal with. I just want to be able to throw all my jackets and heavier clothing to the back of my closet already. But with the way it’s been going I can’t tell when I’ll be able to.

I’m not the only one who felt like that. Many people I have talked to told me the same thing. They all just want to put their Winter clothes away and bring out their Spring clothes. I think that was a lot of their concerns with the weather. They had to check the weather everyday just to wear an outfit that was appropriate for the day.

On the other hand, some people enjoyed the weather. So I asked them why. They said that they enjoyed it because they got to enjoy both the hot and cold weather at once. Then there were days in between where it was sunny yet there was still a slight breeze, allowing me to understand both sides.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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