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Look Who's Bombing

Our 45th president, Donald Trump, recently sent a missile strike to Syria.

He later tweeted the words “A perfectly executed strike last night. Thank you to France and the United Kingdom for their wisdom and the power of their fine Military. Could not have had a better result. Mission Accomplished!”

After that Tweet, he defended himself to his critics by saying about the phrase ¨mission accomplished¨, “I knew they would seize on this but felt it is such a great Military term, it should be brought back. Use often!”

A lot of people believe that not only did the Russians interfere with our most recent election, but also that Trump and Putin are some sort of friends. That is why it is a bit awkward that President Trump is against Vladimir Putin and the Russians in this matter.

What do you think about this? Was it a good idea basically starting a war with Syria, or not?

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