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Arts Festival

On Wednesday, April 25 there was an arts festival. The New Gym is where they held the event. They showcased many drawings, paintings, sculptures, and photographs, all of which were created by the students in the fine arts electives. It was amazing to see the work of talented students in the school.

The drawings were incredible. Many stood out to me, one that specifically stood out to me was “Happy” by Monica Diaz, as well as “Save the Bees” by Chris Pyle, in the category “3D”. The sculptures look amazing, and the pictures were also beautifully taken. So many of the things that were showcased were great to look at. There was also a set up that Mrs. Greer and some of her students made that was well thought out.

There was also an art competition. One for the drawings, and another for photography. Each were separated into different categories. The art that was presented for the competition was neatly done. There was some tessellations and some food art. In photography there was some in black and white and others in vivid color.

Many amazing artists were able to showcase their artwork. Not only that but the Asian Pacific Islanders performed. They performed amazing dances. One was performed by boys and the other performance was by the girls. Overall the art festival was an incredible experience.


@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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