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Student Spotlight- Harriet Sherwin

Harriet Sherwin is a Sophomore at Barstow High School. She is one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet, as she is very caring of those she meets. She is also an incredible student who currently has a 4.1 GPA. Even after the hard work she does to maintain a high GPA, she still manages to engage in different activities. In this school year, she’s competed in a State level Mock Trial tournament, many different Speech contests, and volunteers at a dance studio outside of school.

  • How do you feel about being a “student spotlight“ student for the school’s newspaper?

“I feel honored to be the “student spotlight”. I feel as though it is really important to emphasize good in our school, and this is a great way to do aid in that. So, I’m grateful to be apart of this.”

  • What are some traits that you have, that you think everyone should have?

“One trait I have that I think would be beneficial for everyone is self-motivation. If one can be self motivated, there is little to nothing that will stop them from doing something.”

  • What motivates you to keep going each day?

“There are many things that motivate me to keep going; my friends, family, accomplishments, etc. But honestly I think the drive to become better than what I was and a better person, is the best motivation I have. With that, I would say my failures help me keep that drive the most, because it’s when I fail, that I learn and try harder. “

  • What do you think it takes to be successful?

“So, to keep the motivation theme going, I would say the most important thing one needs to be successful, is to have a passion and a drive for what they are doing. Obviously there are many different definitions for success. However, overall, if a person genuinely cares about what they are doing/what they have, they have a motivation to reach success to the best of their ability.”

  • What’s one thing you can’t go a day without?

“A physical thing? My phone…obviously”

  • When you feel like giving up how do you get through it?

“I would say, when I feel like giving up, I turn to the closest family and friends. They all know me so well and I appreciate that so much. Again, with the motivation, when I feel like quitting they are the motivation for me, to reinstall it in me, to continue.”

  • What is your favorite subject in school?

“Only one?! I would say Pre Calc. I have always loved solving the puzzles in math, so Pre Calc is my favorite, followed closely by all History.”

  • What are some things that inspire you?

“I would say my friends inspire me to be my best self. Also, I would say dance inspires me. Dance has been apart of me for a very long time. Watching dance and dancing is inspiration for me on so many levels. It is very difficult to explain. It’s just there.”

  • What’s one quote you live by?

“Never, never, never give up” Winston Churchill

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