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Teacher Spotlight- McCombie, Winters

This month, Ms. McCombie was was chosen for this award. She was chosen because of her fun attitude and hard working tendencies. She cares about all of her students and even makes learning fun. Just like the small things she does like her “High Five Friday” makes your day just that much brighter. She teaches English and doesn’t overwork her students. She gives out the perfect amount of work and she is always willing to help out.

Also, this month Mr. Winters was chosen. No matter what student you ask, you will always get told the same thing: that he is very respectable and a very chill/relaxed person. He is a very understanding person, so he understand that sometimes students need a break and as long as you get the work done, he doesn’t mind. As long as you pay attention in his class, it is very easy. He is always there to help you out, even if you have over a hundred questions to ask.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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