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Columbine and Guns

On Tuesday, May 8th, I went around my third period and asked them for their varying opinions on the April 20 walkout.

With nineteen total students in the class, two agreed to let me include their names and opinions for the purpose of a more informative read: Anthony Walton and Steven Ludwikowski. Anthony believes that walkouts are a complete waste of time. He also feels that gun control is an infringement of his 2nd amendment rights.

Steven, on the other hand, seemed to have a calmer point of view on the questions he received. He sees walkouts as a good form of expressing one’s opinion, but they can prove to be distracting and a nuisance to the community. When I asked him of his opinion on gun control and background checks, he said “Gun control is a tough topic; something only truly brought up recently. Background checks are necessary, but I feel that the true issue is that people just don’t do their jobs. We all have diverse backgrounds and various states of mental health, it’s just a matter of cracking down on those who seem to be too unstable to own a firearm; previous life events need to be taken into account. Not just some security check if one has a run-in with law enforcement. More thorough background checks is what I’m getting at.” Steven also shared with me that he doesn’t heavily involve himself in politics and doesn’t really have a favored political party and would probably just identify as independent.

No matter what these two seniors happen to think and feel, you can have whatever opinion you do. This article is just for the sake of informing people of how much is known about walkouts and gun control.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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