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As teens, music and social media play a big role in our lives. A very huge topic that has been discussed lately is the words and actions of Kanye West. Though it doesn’t relate to our school, it involves us as high school students from a pop culture standpoint. Now people may think this article is about how he’s sided with Trump and that’s not it at all. Celebrities are entitled to their own political opinion just like you and I. This is about comments he’s made and not just recently. In 2016, he went on a rant stating “Steve Jobs is dead, Walt Disney is dead, Picasso is dead, Michael Jackson is dead. Me, I’m alive,” on the show Ellen. Why did he feel the need to list people like that and state that he’s alive? On a very popular TV show, this kind of behavior just makes us ponder as the generation whose always on social media and seeing his actions and just thinking what the heck is wrong with him? Just recently in an interview, Kanye said “we were enslaved for 400 years? That sounds more of like a choice.” In what way would someone choose to be a slave? Now, the context of his quote was misheard, he was insisting that the black culture should have attempted to fight back, but what he doesn’t get is that around those times, African Americans simply could not fight back. They were told their whole lives they were less than human, so how could they attempt to fight back? They didn’t choose to be slaves, they chose to live. Because as sickening as it is, the only other option back then to being a slave was being murdered. This can affect our lives because once upon a time, Kanye was considered a top artist in the industry, and with social media playing a big role in our world today Kanye has lost the respect of many.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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