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This is America!

Today there’s so much that we talk about that we have to be careful about what we say, because of how controversial it may be. That being what you believe, wanting stricter gun laws, racial inequality, and much more. Many people want their voices to be heard, and at times they aren’t heard. One person that recently allowed those conversations to start is Donald Glover, also known as Childish Gambino.

He released a music video a few days ago called “This Is America”. Which caused a lot of people to talk and opened doors so that people can talk about all that is wrong with some things in today’s politics. Within the music video there is so much that is going on, and so much chaos that can be seen. It includes many allusions and different things that symbolize what is going on today in politics and society.

Many people have analyzed this music video and have different thoughts as to what messages he was trying to get across. One of the main messages being that pop culture is often used as a distraction from what is really going on. “We” love black entertainment but ignore the real problems and hardships that they face.

One main allusion is the Jim Crow pose that he did throughout the video as he danced, which is said to be his way of showing that even after everything they’ve been through, we are still stuck in the past and not much has changed. Another thing that was symbolized was the shootings. Childish Gambino killed people with a gun and then it is gently carried away in a red cloth. This was a way of saying that there are people who care more about guns than they do about those whose lives were lost due to gun violence and the importance of the gun over their lives.

Overall, this was a very important video to watch. It shows a lot about what has been going on today. It allows people to start conversations, to try to make a change. It was such a brilliant and creative way to get his point across and get these situations out there, so that we are more aware.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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