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Classroom Problems

I believe we need to completely modify the look of schools and classrooms to where they don’t look like they did hundreds of years ago. If you look at classrooms of hundreds of years ago and compare the ones we use today they, look almost identical except for a few differences due to technology. Back then and now almost every classroom is designed with the desks in rows, with the teacher’s accessories in front of the class with some type of board behind them. The only differences we see now is that students have computers and the teachers have TVs and projectors. The way classrooms are set up are outdated and should be more modern and welcoming. For example, my sophomore year I had a teacher named Ms. Hale who had a room completely different than others on campus. She had nice red tables, colorful walls with pictures on them, a nice display of artwork all around, and a welcoming peppermint scent. My point being, I always loved going into that class, because of the welcoming warm feeling it gave me, but when I go to other classrooms it gives off a vibe of tiredness and boredom. In the warm, colorful classroom, I would always get my work done on time and even other work as well, but in the dull, boring classrooms I feel unmotivated and I hardly get anything done. With that being said, I think we should change the feel and look of every class to make students feel welcomed and more energized to do work.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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