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Student spotlight

Meet Damaris! She’s a senior here at Barstow High School. She loves all her friends, family and most importantly herself! She is very proud of who she is and she likes to spread her happiness as much as she can. She likes to draw and sing, and she manages to keep her grades up while maintaining a job.

Interview with Damaris

  • How do you feel about being a  “student spotlight“ student for the school’s newspaper?

  • “Being the student spotlight feels awkward, but cool. Its awkward because i’m not used to the attention and its cool because this is a new experience for me!”

  • What are some traits that you have, that you think everyone should have?

  • “I feel that everyone should be accepting of everyone no matter who they are.“

  • What’s one thing that keeps you going each day?

  • “One thing that keeps going everyday are my friends. I say my friends because they have a positive impact on me and are by my side every step of the way throughout the negative and the positive days. I look forward to seeing them each and everyday!”

  • What is your daily routine to being successful?

  • “My daily routine to being successful is getting my work done on time and just knowing that I can do whatever I set my mind to.”

  • What’s one thing you can’t go a day without?

  • “OneI can't go a day without is my phone. I say my phone because without it I would most likely be late to 2nd period everyday and I would most likely end up in Saturday school!”

  • Are there times where you feel like giving up? How do you power through it?

  • “There are days, even weeks when I feel l like giving up, but I think about it and ask myself how will giving up benefit me, my life,, and my family? It won’t, so I think positive and know I am able to overcome anything and everything that comes my way! Also music helps me throughout the day. “

  • What is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?

  • “My biggest accomplishment in life so far is being able to manage school work, bills and still be able to do everything I love doing.”

  • What's one thing that inspires you?

  • “Someone that inspires me is my mom. She is the strongest person I know and no matter the negativity that comes her way! She’s the strongest always comes her way she always comes out stronger than ever and a better person.“

  • Do you want to be like a famous person? Why?

  • “Someone I aspire to be like is Billie Eilish because she is very outgoing and she doesn't care how others feel or think about her. She doesn't care if people think she's too weird or mean, she loves herself for her! ”

  • What’s one quote you go by everyday?

  • “Real tears are not those that fall from the eyes but those that fall from the heart.”

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