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Location Tracking

Isaiah Ramirez 10/1/18 Location Tracking If you are a teen, then chances are you have been digitally monitored by your parents. About 61% of parents have admitted that they digitally monitor their child to monitor their teen’s lives. The most controversial of the digital monitoring “techniques” is location tracking. Location tracking is usually done through their teen’s cell phone on some sort of app or device. About 16% of parents track their teen’s locations. That’s a staggering amount of parents that do! This is controversial because many people have argued the fine line between monitoring your child’s behavior and being a “helicopter” parent. Many parents take the location tracking too far, in my opinion, and don’t let their kids be kids. I believe there should be a limit as to what and how parents monitor over their children’s lives and tracking one’s location is too far. I guarantee when the parents of today were teens that they did not have these hovering parents as they are today. Their parents also did not have the technological means necessary to monitor their teen’s whereabouts or behavior. I believe parents can monitor their child if they have a history of bad behavior, but if not, then they should not do it. If the parents go too far with this, their teen will have a worsened view of them and tend to act out more. It will only facilitate the problem rather than resolve it. In the other case, it could totally shut down their child’s sense of freedom and make them feel as if you are only there to discipline them. This a controversial topic. Let me know what you think. 

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