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Presidents, Porn stars, and Players

Cammy Bechter Remember Stormy Daniels? Recall her and Trump’s little rendezvous? Well, guess what; It’s the same story, only the second volume now. Apparently the night after the get-together, Daniels walked into a nightclub and was ushered over to a table reserved and seating none other than Donald Trump and his good friend, Ben Roethlisberger. Now, do you recall the whole story about Roethlisberger raping that girl back in 2009? Keep that in mind for this next part. Roethlisberger and Trump took turns subtly hitting on Daniels and making it evident that they had been talking about her before she walked in. Donald repeatedly made remarks to Ben like, “See, I told you she was smart” or “Told you she’s attractive”. After an hour or two, she stood up and said that she was tired and ready to head back to her hotel room for the night. Trump immediately replied with something along the lines of, “Well I don’t think it’s safe or smart for you to walk alone.” She retorted with, “Then lend me one of your many bodyguards.” He then grabbed Ben’s arm and said that he thought it was a better idea for him to walk her back. Roethlisberger then repeatedly asked if she minded him walking her and she finally agreed to it. When the two eventually got to her room, that’s when things got a bit more interesting, and frightening. He kept pushing her door more and more open and she kept having to gently try to shut it while he was asking for at least a goodnight kiss. Finally, she got the door closed and he spent about half an hour knocking and singing the words “Come onnn, let me in, I won’t tellllll.” Just like in the rape story, Roethlisberger refuses to comment. Although, he did find a way to pay her $130,000, just like his good buddy, sitting president Trump. Real shocker these two get along, huh 

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