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The Real Hero of Marvel

Stan Lee, or Stanley Martin Lieber, had a far more interesting life than just writing and making cameos in a bunch of superhero movies in the Marvel Comics Universe. He was a loving husband, father, friend, co creator, cameo star, and, believe it or not, a WWII veteran.

Born December 28, 1922, Lee was just 17 when World War 2 began. Unfortunately, back then young men just the age of 16 were joining the fight. So there was no problem for 17 year-old Stanley Lieber to become part of something so big. Stan Lee, Marvel creator, helped America to fight Nazis and Hitler. That’s why it’s pretty sad that he died on Veteran’s Day.

The man was equally as successful in his marriage as his career. He married Joan Clayton Boocock December 5, 1947. That union only ended when Joan died July 6, 2017. That is 69 years of waking up with the same person, and they were commonly seen happy together in public. People our age can hardly go a month with a person without going crazy or being unfaithful. The loving couple had two children in their time, Joan Celia, or J.C., and Jan.

He and Jack Kirby made Marvel Comics and went on to entertain people all around the world for decades. Everyone who’s seen even just one Marvel movie knows Stan Lee for at the very least his clever little cameos. We may all remember different aspects of Stan Lee, but they should all be at least a positive thought or memory of him. Rest in peace Mr. Lee, you will be missed.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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