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Student Spotlight: HOBY Ambassador Richard Villagas

Richard Villagas is a devoted and hard working student at Barstow High and also been selective for the highly coveted position as BHS HOBY ambassador. HOBY is a leadership camp in which two students who are good role models go to a leadership camp to learn how to be better leaders and role models. He loves school and participates in Mock Trial and cross country. He is also matured far beyond his years and enjoys long discussions about topics like politics and philosophy. He is known for his confidence, intelligence, honesty and whitty sense of humor. Richard bring great insight and a great sense of humor to the students and staff at BHS. As well as being a great role model by keeping good grades while juggling Mock trial and Cross Country.

Interview with Richard:

Q: How do you consider yourself to be a good role model?

A: I just always try to do the right thing and be the best person I can be.

Q:What do you consider to be a good role model?

A: Someone who always tries to do the right thing and can admit that they are wrong when they make a mistake and can also learn from their mistakes.

Q:What do you see yourself doing in the future?

A; After high I want to go into criminal law and eventually pursue a career in politics.

Q: Have you ever had a hardship you have had to overcome and how did you overcome it?

A:I went through a lot of bullying in school. I could have run away but instead I dealt with the bullies head on?

Q: What is the bets advice that you have been given?

A: Never give up

Q; What advice would you give to another person?

A: Don't worry about what other people have to say.

Q: What do you hope to take away from your experience at HOBY?

A: I hope to learn some new leadership skills and just become a better person in general.

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