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Student Spotlight: HOBY Ambassador Jamaal Willis

Jamaal Willis is a very well respected student and committed student at BHS and has been selected to represent our school at HOBY a leadership retreat for our best two sophomores. The students are chosen based on good leadership, good academic performance and being good overall role models. All three of these are characteristics that Jamaal Willis fits to a tee. He has shown strong leadership skills having started the first boys volleyball team after attending BHS for less than a year. As well as joining the mock trial team and becoming the top scoring prosecution attorney, as a sophomore. He models academic excellence boasting straight A's and a 4.1 GPA. He is always eager to learn and has a positive attitude about school school in general. His positive attitude toward school is one of his many attributes that makes him a good role model to all of the students at BHS not only does Jamaal have a positive attitude about school but about life in general. He is know for his good humor, infectious personality and being friendly and welcoming to everyone one our campus. He plans on attending Standford or UCLA after high school.


Q:What do you consider to be a good leader?

A: A leader to me is someone who is brave, takes control in certain situations, and sets an example for others.

Q:How do you feel you are a role models to others?

A: I feel I am a role model because I am able to set a standard or an example for others to follow. I am also able to help others to do better in the community.

Q:What do you see yourself doing in the future?

A: When I grow up I aspire to become a criminal defense attorney. My passion for law strives from the legal injustices in today's society. Coming from a country where people are accused of committing crimes on a daily basis I believe that standing up for their rights is a way that I can can help them in life.

Q:What is an obstacle you have had to overcome in life and how did you face it?

A: One major obstacle that I had to overcome was my lack of confidence and self-worth. Those came from constantly being bullied by others. To overcome this I just reached a point in my life where I was tired of being pushed around and started to stand up for myself. When I did that I finally had that encouragement that I needed from myself.

Q: What is the best advice you have received and what advice would you give to others?

A: The best advice I received was just stay true to yourself. I would tell others never give up and always be motivated to do better overall.

Q: Finally, What do you hope to take away from HOBY?

A: HOBY is a leadership seminar. I hope to know how to become a more effective leader in our community and an effective leader in life in general.

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