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Dear Iris, I just broke up with my girlfriend. What do I do now?

I just broke up with my girlfriend (x). What do I do now?

With great love and appreciation: C-man

Answer: Dear C-man,

Breakups can have the potential to be devastating for both parties. It’s difficult to not think about it , so why try to not to? Think about it for a little bit and set your priorities straight. There is no going back so it is best to think about how you are going to move forward and progress with your life because you and your ex used to do so much together. Hang out with your friends, focus on school, have fun, and eat good. It is best to focus on yourself and your other relationships at this point. No one is going to stop you from enjoying the rest of your year except for you. Maybe you need to make some changes or maybe you just need to go back into your old routine. Either way, it is best to cut off contact with them for a “deflation period.” I would suggest about a month of not checking up on them or worrying about them. After then it is okay to say “hi” or have small talk if you bump into them and are on good terms. The key here is focusing on what makes you happy and enjoying yourself without the need to worry about this person. Focus on the good things and eventually it will all work out. And remember, ice cream is your best friend (Unless you’re lactose-intolerant).

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