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I Don't Exist

They sent me because I don’t exist

I don’t exist because nobody sees me

Nobody sees me because I am shy

I am shy because I am embarrassed

I am embarrassed because I mess up everything

I mess up everything because I can never do anything right

I can’t do anything right because nobody taught me how

Nobody taught me how because I didn’t want to learn

I didn’t want to learn because other people would be there

Other people would be there because I wasn’t the only one who wanted to learn

I wasn’t the only one who wanted to learn, so many people were there

Many people were there, so I didn’t go

I didn’t go, so I didn’t learn

I didn’t learn, so I wasn’t smart

I wasn’t smart, so nobody noticed me

Nobody noticed me, so I don’t exist

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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