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Dear Iris, It's Valentines day and I'm single. What should I do?

Dear Iris,

   Its almost Valentines Day, February 14 to be exact. I know your single, you haven't found the right person, just got out of a relationship, you don't feel in the right mindset to be in a relationship or even your a happy single but around this time of year you wish you had someone to simply love. But it has to be remembered that the single life can be super fun even on Valentines Day. Going out with many other of you single friends can be something to do, to go catch a movie or go grab a nice bite to eat somewhere that makes you feel fancy. There's also all sorts of fun sales during Valentines Day from in the malls to the spas, treat yourself and go on a shopping spree or take a spa day, take advantage of the holiday sales. Valentines Day doesn't necessarily mean you want to go out either as well, if you've been having some trouble with yourself over the fact your single during this time and you really don't want to go out and see the mush and gush going on around you, take the day to unplug and unwind. Turning off your phone and getting into the coziest pajamas you own while watching a whole marathon of your favorite Netflix show is a perfect way to spent this holiday. If you feel ruthless on this holiday, it would be divining go out and buy something sweet and relish over the fact you don’t have to share it with anyone or even do something your ex hated you haven't found yourself doing since such as listening to country music. Go out blast country music in your car or on your stereo at home, Rock On to it! On the low note though Valentine's day is what you make it, so don't make it as annoying and awkward as you may think it is just live it up in any way you think is right. Make this day your day, have fun with it. Valentines day isn't just for all the couples but for the love as cheesy as it sounds love this day and surround yourself with people who truly love you. Happy Valentines Day.



@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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