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Student spotlight: Senior class president Madison Enriquez

Madison Enriquez is an outspoken ASB member, Varsity Athlete and CSF member. Everything Madison does she makes sure she is the best at. In ASB Madison is the Senior Class president, In Track & Cross Country Madison is the fastest runner she comes in 1st or 2nd at every race making it look like its no effort at all. In soccer Madison plays on Varsity. And in ASB she is the senior class president. As senior class president Madison faces a whole bunch of responsibilities Including: planning the Winter Ball, Designing senior pride packs and giving a speech at graduation.


What made you decide to be an ASB member and when did you join?

I have been an ASB member since middle school, by brothers were also involved in ASB. I wanted to show my strength as a leader.

How do you feel that ASB has positively influenced you in life?

I have learned to not be so shy, social skills are very for me. I have learned how to speak up for myself and others.

What qualities make a good Senior class president?

You have to be super organized, you cannot procrastinate, you can’t be afraid to mess up and you can’t be afraid to have an opinion that other will not agree with.

Is there anyone who would make a good senior president next year?

I think Elisha Aguire (current Junior Class Vice President) would make a great senior class president. She has all the traits that I have seen in previous great senior class presidents.

How do feel about being student stoplight?

I think it’s a huge honor there were so many students to choose from and to be chosen is such a big deal. I feel like more people should pay attention to it.

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