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Dear Iris

Dear, Irish I always feel depressed when i'm alone. Like when im with my friends i feel good, (most of the time) but then by myself i'm always in my head and sad. I hate feeling lonely all the time. I just want to actually be happy again. What can i do ? Sincerely, Lost in Thought Dear Lost in Thought , I feel like you should just spend more time with yourself get to know yourself better. Learn how to love your flaws , love yourself. Give yourself time to really get to know yourself, it takes a while for you to be happy with yourself. Surround yourself with positivity and positivity will come. Try talking to a close friend how your feelings. Don’t stay in that lonely place for long , yea cry for a little then just go on. Think of nothing but positive things. Wake up in the morning and tell yourself i'm gonna have a great day, and 9 times out of 10 you will. You can't feed your brain bad things then it’ll start thinking those bad things. Be happy with yourself first ,love yourself.  

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