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Recycling for Causes

I’m pretty sure that a decent amount of people have noticed me lately collecting recycling; soda cans, water bottles, etc. In case there is any curiosity as to why, there are actually two reasons to collect recycling.

Reason number 1. You would be gradually helping to save our planet from something called pollution. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Put simply, it is garbage on Earth’s surface that has no reason to be there. Wouldn’t you prefer to continue having a place to live, over giving up and throwing your rubbish on the ground? I would hope so.

Reason number 2 is a bit more for the selfish part of everyone. If you collect aluminum and Number 1 plastic and turn them in at the Recycling Center on Main Street, you get money in return. It’s a certain amount per pound of aluminum and a certain amount per pound of Number 1 plastic.

Now, think about it; Collect recyclables and help the planet and get money for it, Throw your recyclables on the ground and get nothing but pollution. Although it seems like a pretty easy decision to me, maybe it isn’t for others.

@2017 BHS News. Published by Journalism Class.

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