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Student spotlight- Alexis Lazaro Freshmen Co-President

Meet Alexis Lazaro she is 14-years-old and a freshmen at BHS. Alexis has come to Barstow High School to shine she is a cheerleader, a soccer player and one of the two Freshmen class Co-Presidents; along with Keirstyn Brogan. Her friends describe her as very outspoken and outgoing.

  • How does it feel to be the freshman class president-

  • I feel like it is a huge responsibility but it’s so worth it.

  • Why did you decide to join ASB?

  • Because I really like to be involved in stuff and I am a really outgoing person.

  • What has been your favorite part of being in ASB?

  • That I get to be a part how things at this school are planned at executed.

  • How do you and your co-president (Keirstyn Brogan) work together to plan events?

  • We each come up with our own ideas, give our honest opinions on each others ideas and choose the best ones we agree on.

  • Do you and your co-president ever disagree?

  • Yes, all the time.

  • How do solve these disagreements?

  • We usually come up with a solution that combines both of our ideas.

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