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Senior Article

Hi my name is Jimmere Davis. It is crazy how after four years of highschool it is all over within just a few days. I have learned a lot over the years but it has been an wonderful, amazing, and learning ride. My freshman year i remember Mr Dealton told us that get ready because these next 4 years are gonna fly and he was right freshman year I was ready to go classes and keep my grades up and just enjoy it. My first semester I was doing good. I had a 4.0 my first semester and I was shocked myself because the thing that was going to hold me back was taking test but that year it didn't hold me back. I was really proud of myself and so was my mom because I knew I was a good kid and smart and have really good work ethic. I just didn't expect a 4.0 when my grades came out. My second half was a struggle. I had to move and I left Barstow and I went to live at Fort Irwin for a little while. I went to Silver Valley for a the second half of my freshman year. It wasn't that great, but it's was alright. I met different people and it was a different environment but I adapted. There was a few weekends where I came back and visited my friends. Once Silver Valley last day of school came I was happy because my mom decided to bring me back. I was happy because I was around people i knew again. So I came back sophomore year and I did struggle in some of my classes and my school year was okay. Junior year I picked it up I got back to being on my work and getting my work done and worked as hard as I could. I did have some disappointment during that year but I didn’t let it stop me. I made some more new friends and got closer with people I didn't knew and also lost a few friends. This year a lot happened but i would redo it because there is something that can change but it is what it is. I am just going to finish this year out strong and be happy. I have learned a lot over the four years but the one thing i know is that not everyone is your friend. There is people who want to see you fail and some want to see you succeed. Im am going to miss the sports and playing for the school i was proud of. I have no shame in wearing a jersey for a school that helped me grow into the person that made me who i am today. My career during freshman year was undecided. I didn't know what i wanted to be or what i wanted to do. I just know i wanted to do something i love. Now that i am a senior i like helping people with their problems. Like i like helping people overcome they fears or help talk out any problems they have with people or themselves. My plan for the future is to first go to college and get a job then work hard to complete college and then save up money and just live a happy life. I am most grateful for everything that has happened in the last four years. I am grateful for my friends and family. I am also grateful for my teachers that have helped me along the way. I am really going to miss the people i have met on the way. I met some really great people and these last four years have been a blast and it was an amazing ride with all the laughter and smiles and the memories we have shared. I really wish everyone the best of luck and hope everyone achieves their hopes and dreams and goes far in life. My advice for every underclassman is stay true to yourself, Don't ever give up, work hard, don't procrastinate , try new things, find something that keeps you motivated, be careful who you trust, just enjoy your last four years because they are going to fly by quick and before you know it your graduating.

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