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Good bye seniors , Good bye Class.

Ian Madero Everybody tells you to make sure you live up your four years of High School because it goes by super quick. Personally at first I thought they were joking, but your whole high school experience goes by in a flash. Just the other day I was a freshmen, hanging out with my first ever group of friends that I made. Just the other day I was a sophomore, struggling to pass my English class. Just the other day I was a junior, enjoying every class I had. And now, now I’m a senior, about to graduate, about to leave all of the people that I feel like I just met, and about to go on and live my life. Throughout these four years I feel like I have become a lot less shy and more of a people person. I’ve always wanted what was best for people and I would try my best to be the good in peoples lives. In these short four years I’ve learned to not care what anyone else thinks. It’s sounds extremely cheesy, yet it’s all you need to do; just be yourself. I feel that I still have a long way to go to completely be myself in public, but I’m learning and growing trying. There’s so many things I’m gonna miss about high school. From my friends who always put me in a good mood, to the good teachers who care about their students. I’m especially gonna miss all the teachers who took time out of their day to check if I was alright, to check if I needed anything, or just to brighten up my day. But what I’m really gonna miss is, of course, my friends. I’m gonna miss every single inside joke, every single bus ride, every single field trip, and I’m gonna miss having them around. I’m gonna miss every single person that has played a huge role in my life! I honestly wouldn’t trade my high school experience for the world. I’m honestly gonna miss walking from class to class because it actually helped me keep a little in shape. I’m gonna miss all the wacky and fun things we did in class. I think in the end, I’ll miss it all. The good and the bad. It all led me to the point where I’m at today and I couldn’t be more grateful. At the beginning of high school, I wanted to become a veterinarian, since I’ve always cared so much for animals. At the end of high school though, I don’t know what I want to do. I know I did it backwards, Like, how you’re supposed to not know what your doing once you go into high school, and know what you are doing by the time you get out of high school. But, I honestly don’t know where I’m going. My plan for the future is really to just go with the flow, which I know is also not a very good idea, but it’s the only one I have. As of right now the main goal is to get out of Barstow and find something that I will really enjoy doing for the rest of my life. I’m grateful for everybody that I have met in the past 4 years. They each have taught me so much. I’m especially grateful for my family, who was always there when I needed the extra help. They are the ones who have kept me humble and a good overall person; without them, I don’t think I could’ve made it this far. I believe that something that all the younger students could avoid is drama or relationships. Honestly, kids now are getting in relationships at a very young age and it distracts them from what’s really important. They just need to focus on school and keeping their mental health in the right place. I feel that most people think they need that person or that relationship to have a better life in high school, but in all reality, you don’t. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have a relationship, just don’t think you need to have one in order to keep yourself sane or for self validation. Also, avoid people who only care about themselves, they will most likely end up hurting you or someone you care about. The thing that I think all younger students should do is enjoy their high school years because they go by fast. Meet new people, have fun, and maintain your grades and you will be solid throughout all of high school. Also, take pictures, take videos so you can live in that moment more than once and you can remember all of the friends and fun times you’ve had throughout the years. Final Goodbyes~ Davíd- Thank you for always giving advice when needed and for being such a loyal and trusting friend. For bringing in a positive attitude every single day, for always being able to cheer me up. I don’t think I’ll ever forget just chilling with you and singing along to some songs. You have so much talent and you’re such an amazing inspirational person. You are a one in a lifetime friend and I’m glad that I met you. From being friends when we were five to now graduating, thanks for everything. I hope life treats you well. Much love pops. Ashley- Man, we had one crazy ride together. The change that you went through from eighth grade to now is incredible. You have changed so much for the better and it was wild watching you do it. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget you, mainly because I still have a scar on my arm where you bit me for a lollipop. I won’t be able to forget those time when we all used to ride the bus together or the time you ran into my mailbox. You’ve grown up so much and I’m glad that we got to be real good friends this years. Love you lots dude. Lizbeth- You are the most selfless loving person I have ever met. I wish the whole world was just like you, because you have so much love in you heart and you care so deeply for others. You deserve everything in the world! Thank you for always being by my side, even on the bad and grumpy days. Sorry about those, by the way. I’ll miss being able to mess with you and I’ll miss you always showing dog videos even though I’ve seen them all before. I don’t know what else to say besides you were a huge blessing in my life and I hope we get to see each other in Washington soon. Love you the most! Vanessa- You’re one of the main people I’m gonna miss most! You’ve been there for me since the day we met. It’s so crazy to me that our friendship all begun just because of medical core. You’ve been such a loyal and goofy friend and I’m gonna miss that so much! I’m gonna miss all the inside jokes like making Cordell turn into a water fountain, making Kayli choke on the bus, you looking like the cat meme, your crabs, your wiener dog, and so much more. I’m gonna miss all of it! Thanks for always being there! Have a great senior year and make sure to participate in every event possible, and if you ever need me I’m one phone call away! Love you my squishy! Izzy- Oh boy, I don’t even know where to start with you! It’s crazy to me how we had a whole class junior year and we didn’t say one word to each other, but somehow we became great friends our senior year. I honestly can’t remember the first time we even spoke to each other, but I’m so glad we did. Your sense of humor matches mine so well and whenever we are around each other it’s just a whole lot of laughs. Thanks for all the rides you gave me so I didn’t get in trouble with my mom, and thanks for always calling me ugly. Love you lots turtle from wonder pets! Manuel- Wow! That’s all I can say. We made it! From all the way to elementary together, to all the way to senior year of high school. It’s so crazy how I can still remember us at elementary playing 4-square, learning sign language (even though we didn’t want to), and just running around the playground. I also remember the times when you and me would always get prizes from Ms. Diza for always paying attention and being quiet. But now we are all grown, like you’re driving now! By the way thanks for driving around town to go get lunch whenever I was hungry! Much appreciated, and much love! There are also so many more people I want to thank for making my high school experience so much better. Such as Abby, Damaris, Steven, Tiffany, Cordell, all my Econ friends, my buddy-friend, my favorite short friend, and anyone else I didn’t mention. I would love to say thank you for every memory that we have together. I’ll never forget any one you! This has been one heck of a ride, and I really don’t want to step off yet, but it’s finally time. To all the seniors, enjoy these last few days, and enjoy the rest of your life! Good luck to all! 

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