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Senior Article

Andrew Smith 

As a Freshman I was so scared and also honored to have the opportunity to go to Reynoldsburg High School Livingston Campus BELL academy, I knew I had the chance to earn an associates degree when i graduate high school. But also as a freshman i was so worried about the reputation I had not had yet, but I had a few classes with seniors. That was my in, I made the seniors laugh and everyone knew me as “that funny white kid”. But as a freshman i was so worried about everyone liking me or laughing i let my grades slip. What i learned as a freshman was to not worry about a reputation, you go to school to learn and that's what i had to do from there on out. Sophomore year I learned that not everything will go your way. I played basketball. Well i watched basketball from the sidelines, I personally thought I was one of the best on the team, our coach just did not like me and I KNOW this. But it's ok it taught me more than what I thought I could ever think I would've learned. Junior year I learned that some people will use you just cause you’re too nice. My ex used me to pay for her senior year and I did all because I thought it was love. So I learned not to trust EVERYONE the same. As a senior I learned that friends are forever .Something I will miss is most definitely going to miss is making experiences and meeting new people in classes or getting to know them. My career choice when I first started high school was just ANYTHING with a great paycheck that could help me support myself and everything i wanted to do. As a senior my career choice is a comedian or actor, they both come naturally and they both get paid very well. But like all things you must be willing to work and grow in this profession and also be used to the word no. My future plans. Go to college while working, and do stand up on the side. I will eventually find a platform or meet someone to help put me on a platform, I will set this goal anywhere from 22-25. Something I'm very grateful for is every opportunity God has set in front of me and the fire in my stomach to go after my dreams. My advice to the younger kids is to stay on top of your work and understand the fact that your work is your own and no one else can be blamed for your screw ups but you. I would like to say goodbye to the classes of 2020 2021 and 2022 as well as the teachers who helped me and motivated me through my 3 years here. Lastly I would like to say not say goodbye but see you later to all the friends I've made on this journey called high school. And lets get this money  

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