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Senior articles

Ashley Hernandez These last four years of my life have changed me so greatly. I walked in freshman year with a backpack and a nervous smile wondering if I would find a place where I fit in. Little did I know this was going to turn into the craziest ride of my entire life. I went through the worst pain I have ever felt and the best times I have ever had. The summer of ‘16 I got new foster parents leading into a rollercoaster of a sophomore year. I was scared, I was nervous, and I didn’t understand the change of environment. That was the year my academic life absolutely crashed and burned but then picked itself right back up and soared. It was a year or rebuilding friendships, family, and most importantly myself. It was a strange time where I was able to feel completely miserable and overjoyed at the same time. I developed strong friendships and found a place where I didn’t feel like such an outcast. From there high school began to make a bit more sense. I learned that it’s not about how many activities or sports you participate in or how popular you are but about learning about yourself. Finding people that you want to surround yourself, growing as a person and realizing that you too are here for a reason even if you’re not the face of ASB or the star athlete. Your presence in this campus makes a difference. I also learned that the length of time you’ve known a person doesn’t always matter. Some people you’ve grown up with will leave you and some people you just met will become your best friends. Either way always enjoy your company because looking back on everyone senior year, you’re going to miss them. Another thing I learned is I did NOT know everything. Freshman year I seemed to have my whole adult life planned out. I was going to go into the marines get an education and build a great life for myself. Little did I know all of these plans would change.. a couple of times throughout high school. Now I think I’ll just take college one step at a time. I hope to work my way to law school and become a lawyer but now I understand plans can change. I’m going to miss this place. I’m going to miss how supportive this campus and this class is. I’m going to miss walking down the hallway and seeing teachers who I know are proud of me and walking into classes full of some of the most loving people I have ever known. I am so grateful I got the opportunity to be an Aztec and to grow with all of these people. If I could say anything to the lower class men it would be slow down. Take a minute and just look around. You may think you want to just grow up, just graduate already, you may think you’re ready for the future but just take a second to breathe. This really is one of the best times of your life and I promise you you’re going to miss it. Experience everything you can, don’t waste your time fighting and getting kicked out but listen to these teachers because most of them really care about you. Allow your teachers to impact you because some of the life lessons they have will stick with you for years. Be grateful for the people you’re surrounded with and remember that it goes by quick so make the most out of every second. Faith Club- I love you guys so much. I am so proud of you all and the effort you guys put in every week. Thank you so much for allowing me to lead you guys for two years I am so grateful for all of our adventures and all of the things we have gone through together. You may be a little club on this campus but you can make a huge impact. Don’t ever give up. Even when it gets hard and you’re overwhelmed keep on going because you are changing lives that you don’t even see. I’m going to miss all of you My teachers- thank you for putting up with me and all of my nonsense. Thank you for never giving up on me and always pushing me to keep going. For being there when I needed somebody to listen to and being understanding. I couldn’t be where I am without the impact that every single one of you made in my life so thank you. My friends- I am so grateful for every single one of you!! You have no idea how much you guys have motivated me to keep going. Thank you for listening to my countless issues and rants and sharing thousands of laughs. I’m thankful for all the memories we have made. This has been one crazy ride together and I couldn’t be more proud of all of us. We really did it dudes. I love you all thank you for going on this journey with me Class of 2019 I love you guys and I’m so proud of us. Some of us never thought we would make it but look at us now. Here we are, we did it and were just getting started.

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