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Teacher Spotlight

Mrs. Escadeja was chosen to be the first teacher spotlight this year because she works hard and has a lot of dedication within this job. Mrs. Escadeja is an AVID teacher as well as an AP English teacher. She creates a fun and relaxed learning environment for her students, which makes her more students eager to learn. She is a very supportive and understanding teacher who is willing to help out any student. Ms. Escadeja also spends her time helping others including adults, teaching the adult ed class. She has a great attitude about everything and is going above and beyond teaching her students.

~ How do you feel about being the first “Teacher Spotlight” for this year?

I’m excited it feels nice

~How do you feel about this year?

I feel like we’re off to a great start the kids are well behaved and I feel like they want to learn this year

~Why did you decide to become a teacher?

I became a teacher because I always liked English and helping kids, this is a really good profession

~How long have you been teaching?

A long time I think about 16 years

~Where did you attend college?

I've gone to Cal State San Bernardino, Waldo University, Barstow College, and Chapman University

~Whos your inspiration?

All my teacher friends that are around me

~What motivates you to keep going each day?

I just enjoy being with these kids is also enjoy helping the kids learn and figure out the rest of their lives and I have avid and English which are really good subjects to teach.

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