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Whats That Meme?

With the 2019 and 2020 school year starting everyone is coming back to school with new clothes. But what is important is that you make sure your clothes don’t violate our schools dress code. This includes both boys and girls clothing. Beside students clothing they will have to make sure that their hygiene is good as well.

Your clothes have to be able to cover your underwear so it is not showing. You must wear the right footwear all the time you are not allowed to wear house shoes or house slippers. Steel toe shoes and cleats are also not allowed to be worn. All hats, caps, dew rags, bandanas, fedoras, and fishing hats. Sunglasses unless they are prescription are not allowed to be worn inside any classrooms or school buildings. Finger rings, body rings, tongue studs, earrings or chains, belt buckles or clothing accessories that may be considered disruptive, harmful, or used as a weapon is not allowed on school campus. Also pacifiers are not allowed on campus because they are considered infants accessories. Crop tops, clothing exposing the stomach, pajamas, tube tops, open sided shirts, and skirts shorter than mid thigh. Short shorts should not be worn at school. The short length should not be shorter than mid thigh. `

Besides your clothing and accessories things such as hair ,tattoos, perfumes, and false fingernails may break our schools dress code too. Hairstyles or make up which are deemed a safety hazard or a distraction will not be permitted. Any tattoos that promote a distraction will have to be covered. Perfumes or colognes may not be used in school because some students or staff may be allergic to them.

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