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Student Spotlight: Zoe Osborne

For this week's Student Spotlight Article, I chose Zoe Osborne. Zoe is a 16 year old, Junior that excels in academics and sports, specifically Cross Country. She also has a wide range of friends, she's a social butterfly that's super sweet and is kind to everyone, plus shes easy to talk to! So I ́ve decided to give her a short interview to show her a little spotlight.

I: Are you taking any AP or College classes this year?

Z: Yeah I'm taking two of each! For my AP classes im taking AP Statistics, which I had just enrolled in and so far im enjoying and im also taking AP English 3. Then i'm taking Student Development and History 1A for my College classes.

I: Do you like your other AP class and do you enjoy your college classes? Do you feel like you put yourself through to much or?

Z: Yes I definitely like my AP Engish class and my college classes, I'm planning on taking college classes next year too. But no, I don't feel overwhelmed or like I put myself through too much, I enjoy the challenge and learning new things.

I: What's your favorite class and why?

Z: My Favorite is my Ap English 3 class, I love reading.

I: Are you doing any sports this year?

Z: Track and Cross County, as always. I love running.

I: When did you start Track and Cross Country and why?

Z: I started Cross Country in the 8th grade when I went to STEAM Academy because my friends wanted me to join and Track I started my Freshman year here because I wanted stay conditioned for Cross Country.

I: What do you enjoy most about sports and what's your best times?

Z: I just love running all in all, it has its perks about it plus its a good reliever. My best time for Cross Country is 22:30 and for Track its 14:56, for the 2 mile of course, which is my favorite event. Also, I run Varsity on both sports.

I: Do you have any specific motivation that keeps you running?

Z: My motivation in the support from my friends and family, they push me to run even when I feel like I can't anymore and they never give up on me.

I: Since your doing well academically and sports wise are planning on going to college? If so what college or what's your plan?

Z: Yes, I am planning on going to college. Im wanting to go to BCC for 2 years then transfer to a University and hopefully I can run for them.

I: What do you want to Major in when you do go to college?

Z: Im wanting to major in English, so I can become an English Teacher.

I: Thats cool! Now on with funner questions, at least not school or sport related. What do you do in your free time?

Z: I clean because you know chores and homework because school but other than that I play with my dog Lucky and I hang out with friends.

I: Since The Holidays are coming up, What's your favorite Holiday?

Z: Definitely Christmas, it's the big hoodies and getting cozy blankets time of year.

I: What part of the Country or world do you wish to live in?

Z: London, It's pretty over there! I love the architecture and the ideas of kings and queens is nice. I personally want to just travel everywhere though.

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