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White House Official Told Whistle-Blower Trump Ukraine Call was 'Frightening'

A White House official listening to President Donald Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukraine’s president described the call as “crazy” and “frightening” and was according to notes taken by the intelligence official who filed a formal whistleblower complaint after speaking with the official, and others. "The official, who listened to the entirety of the phone call, was visibly shaken by what had transpired and seemed keen to inform a trusted colleague within the U.S. national security apparatus about the call," the whistleblower writes in the memo. The memo states the official "described the call as "crazy, frightening," and completely lacking in substance related to national security." The official recalled to the whistleblower that the president also asked the Ukranian leader about "Crowdstrike server" a reference to a debunked theory that Ukraine is holding Hillary Clinton's missing emails, and that it was the Ukraine, not Russia, that was behind the interference in the 2016 election. It was unclear if those were conversations, however, they are being protected for reasons of national security or for political reasons.

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